New website wants to make the world a better place for male sex workers, The Huffington Post What male sex workers have to say about their industry, OUT Website launched to support male sex workers and lobby for decriminalisation, Edge Media Network Male sex workers call for respect, The[…]
Recent Books Scott, J., Grov, C., Minichiello, V. (eds), The Routledge Handbook of Male Sex Work, Culture and Society, Routledge Handbooks, London, 2021. Minichiello, V.,Scott, J. (eds), Male Sex Work and Society, Harrington Park Press/Columbia University Press, New York, 2014. Minichiello, V., Kottler, J. (eds), Qualitative Journeys: Student and Mentor[…]
Book Chapters
Minichiello, V., Scott, J., Grov, C., Patel, V. ‘The role of social sciences in shaping the sexually transmitted diseases (STI) discourse’. In Pranee, L (ed), Handbook of Social Sciences and Global Public Health, Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 2023, pp 1-17. Waling, A., Thomas, J., Pepping, C., Minichiello, V. ‘The role of[…]
Journal Articles
Refereed Journal Articles Hughes, M., Lyons, A., Alba, B., Waling, A., Minichiello, V., Fredriksen-Goldsen, K., Barrett, C., Savage, T., Blanchard, M., Edmonds, S. ‘Predictors of loneliness among older lesbian and gay people’, Journal of Homosexuality, 2023, 70(5), 917-937. Waling, A., Lyons, A., Alba, B., Minichiello, V., Barrett, C., Hughes, M.,[…]
Publication in ‘The Conversation’
Articles Fileborn, B., Hawkes, G., Pitts, M., Thorpe, R., Minichiello, V. ‘Sex, desire and pleasure in later life: Australian women’s experiences’. The Conversation, January, 2015. Scott, J., Minichiello, V. ‘Mining, sex work and STIs: Why force a connection?‘. The Conversation, August, 2012. Minichiello, V., Dune, T. ‘From homophobia to homophilia:[…]
Conference Speaker and Organiser
Professor Victor Minichiello is an experienced and engaging speaker. To date he has presented papers at over 150 national and international scientific conferences. He has been the Convenor of the International Sociological Association, Research on Ageing Intercongress Meetings and chaired many sessions at conferences, including giving keynote addresses. Professor Minichiello[…]