An Occupational Therapy delegation from Argentina will be visiting the University of Western Sydney and La Trobe University in 2015 (9-13 March) to evaluate the points of possible collaboration in curriculum development, practicum placements, student and academic staff exchange, and forging innovation in shared coursework development. Discussions will also be held with Occupational Therapy Australia and the World Federation of Occupational Therapists. During this intensive visit the delegates will familiarise themselves with the OT programs offered by the relevant Australian and Argentine universities, identify points of mutually beneficial collaboration that is academically and financially sound, explore joint innovative collaboration in unit delivery via on line education to reach the English and Spanish global market, and explore the opportunities such collaboration offers to the occupational therapy profession and the mission of the World Federation of Occupational...
A medical delegation from Argentina will be visiting Australia in early 2015 (23-27 March) to learn more about how problem based learning is used in medical education, how the Australian government is supporting the delivery of specialist and GP services in rural and regional communities, and see how e-health technological innovations are used to inform medical education. The delegation will visit the University of Newcastle School of Medicine and Public Health, ANU Medical School, the UDRH in Tamworth and Coffs Harbour Health Campus as well as a private GP practice facility in Coffs Harbour, NSW. The visit will identify points of joint collaboration in further curriculum development in areas of common interest, promote student and staff exchanges, discuss strategies used for the internationalization of the curriculum, and discuss areas of possible research...
University of New England May 09, 2013 Australia and Argentina will explore opportunities for collaboration in research and innovation at the inaugural Australia – Argentina Binational Workshop, talks in the South American country this week. Leading the Australian contingent is UNE Pro Vice-Chancellor and Dean of the Professions, Victor Minichiello who believes the Inaugural Australia- Argentina Binational Workshop in Bahia Blanca is a great opportunity for collaboration between the two countries. “Australia and Argentina have a number of areas in common, they are both located in the southern hemisphere, they have strong and evolving agriculture and mining sectors, and they have growing industrial and technological sectors,” Professor Minichiello said. “We also both face the challenges of delivering health and education services to rural and remote communities. “The workshop will explore the first steps for the development of new relationships between Argentina and Australia in the fields of science, health and technology. We hope these will lead to academic exchanges, shared research, and technological programs,” Professor Minichiello said. Argentine Convenor, Dr Guillermo Crapiste, Chancellor of the Universidad Nacional del Sur, said the workshop would include the drafting of a binational action plan to develop collaboration opportunities into reality. “The binational action plan will support specific projects for the two governments to consider and to foster further scientific and technological collaboration between universities from these two southern hemisphere nations,’ Dr Crapiste said. Professor Minichiello said presenters will include academics, scientific national organisations, government officials, inventors and ministerial advisors from both countries, all coming together to explore opportunities to collaborate on projects such as Massive Open Online Courseware, science innovations in farming,...
Universidad Nacional De Avellaneda “Desarrollo de nuevos lazos de cooperación académica y productiva entre Argentina y Australia” La Universidad Nacional de Avellaneda informa que entre el miércoles 8 y el viernes 10 de mayo se llevará a cabo en la Universidad Nacional del Sur el Primer Taller Binacional “Desarrollo de nuevos lazos de cooperación académica y productiva entre Argentina y Australia”. Entre sus objetivos, el encuentro se propone reunir a los actores clave para debatir la mejor forma de desarrollar la cooperación entre los dos países; promover la vinculación entre las universidades, las empresas y las tecnologías innovadoras en proyectos de cooperación entre ambos países; abordar temas de importancia nacional e internacional para las comunidades regionales en Argentina y en Australia; entre otras cuestiones. La ceremonia de apertura se realizará el jueves 9 de mayo, a las 9 horas, y estará a cargo de la Ing. Agueda Menvielle, Directora Nacional de Relaciones Internacionales del Ministerio de Ciencia Tecnología e Innovación Productiva (MINCyT); el Abog. Martin Gill, Secretario de Políticas Universitarias del Ministerio de Educación (SPU-ME); el Rector de la Universidad Nacional del Sur, Dr. Guillermo Crapiste (UNS); y Patricia Holmes, Embajadora de Australia en la Argentina y representante del gobierno australiano. Para más información, los interesados pueden escribir a...
Meat Trade News Daily 09 Sep 2012 JOINT projects to stimulate interest in agriculture careers are among the possible fruits of a visit last week by Argentinian university chiefs. Like Australia, Argentina was big in livestock but underdone in the supply of agriculture graduates, according to the University of New England’s Victor Minichiello, local organiser of the mission. “People’s understanding of a twenty first century agriculture career is often not up to date,” Professor Minichiello said. The visit also looked at opportunities for collaboration in IT and medical training. The Argentinian institutions involved were the Universidad de Quilmes, Universidad Nacional del Litoral and Universidad Nacional del Sur. Aside from UNE, the Australian institutions taking part were the universities of Sydney, Western Sydney, Newcastle, Melbourne, La Trobe, Swinburne, CSIRO and Victoria University. …Professor Minichiello said one possible project would be to connect schools and universities in both countries to promote careers in agriculture. Another possibility was collaboration on global courseware in fields such as occupational therapy where language studies in English or Spanish could add another...
The Australian August 28, 2012 Bernard Lane UNE’s David Lamb, convenor of physics and electronics, with Juan Luis Merega from the Universidad de Quilmes and Miguel Rodreguez of the Universidad Nacional Del Litoral. Source: Supplied JOINT projects to stimulate interest in agriculture careers are among the possible fruits of a visit last week by Argentinian university chiefs. Like Australia, Argentina was big in livestock but underdone in the supply of agriculture graduates, according to the University of New England’s Victor Minichiello, local organiser of the mission. “People’s understanding of a twenty first century agriculture career is often not up to date,” Professor Minichiello said. The visit also looked at opportunities for collaboration in IT and medical training. The Argentinian institutions involved were the Universidad de Quilmes, Universidad Nacional del Litoral and Universidad Nacional del Sur. Aside from UNE, the Australian institutions taking part were the universities of Sydney, Western Sydney, Newcastle, Melbourne, La Trobe, Swinburne, CSIRO and Victoria University. Professor Minichiello said one possible project would be to connect schools and universities in both countries to promote careers in agriculture. Another possibility was collaboration on global courseware in fields such as occupational therapy where language studies in English or Spanish could add another...